Halabja Memorial

The horror of the Halabja attacks is representative of the systematic terror mounted by the Iraqi regime on the Kurdish population that began with chemical bombardments and moved into a ground offensive to gain control of the area.

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Halabja Genocide
Halabja Genocide

The horror of the Halabja attacks is representative of the systematic terror mounted by the Iraqi regime on the Kurdish population that began with chemical bombardments and moved into a ground offensive to gain control of the area.

Halabja Genocide
Halabja Genocide

The horror of the Halabja attacks is representative of the systematic terror mounted by the Iraqi regime on the Kurdish population that began with chemical bombardments and moved into a ground offensive to gain control of the area.

Halabja Genocide
Halabja Genocide

The horror of the Halabja attacks is representative of the systematic terror mounted by the Iraqi regime on the Kurdish population that began with chemical bombardments and moved into a ground offensive to gain control of the area.

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Halabja’s Atrocities

Iran-Iraq War

The Attack


Iran–Iraq War

The Iran–Iraq War was an armed conflict between Iran and Iraq that lasted from September 1980 to August 1988. It began with the Iraqi invasion of Iran and lasted for almost eight years, until the acceptance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 by both sides.

Chemical Attack

The incident was the largest chemical weapons attack directed against a civilian-populated area in history, killing between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injuring 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians. Preliminary results from surveys of the affected region showed an increased rate of cancer and birth defects in the years afterward.


The attack marks the most severe and disastrous use chemical weapons in history, with many of the victims losing their lives to cancer or still suffering from its effects.
On 28 February 2013, the UK’s House of Commons formally recognised the genocide against Iraqi Kurds, coinciding with the 25th Anniversary of the ‘Anfal Campaign’.

About University of Halabja

The University of Halabja is one of the Iraqi Kurdistan public universities founded in 2011 in the city of Halabja, Halabja Governorate.The university consists of six colleges such as (Science, Human sciences, Basic Education, Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Law and Administration, Education of Sharazoor, and Department of Engineering).
Programs last for four years and students receive BA degrees in their corresponding fields at the end of the fourth year. It has two campuses, the main campus is situated in Halabja and the secondary is in Sharazoor District. The current president of Halabja University is Prof.Dr. Mahabad Kamil Abdullah.
Visit UoH Website


A corpus of written literature on the topic of Halabaja and its past

Ever since the deplorable incident on March 16, 1988, in which as many as 5,000 Iraqi Kurds, mostly women and children, were killed with deadly gas which was released on the northern town of Halabja by Saddam Hussein's forces, the international media covered the genocide, and it has drawn the attention of many authors and historians.

Both legislative and authentic material displayed on our resources page provide valuable information to further familiarise readers with the actual events that led up to the bombing and happened afterwards.

If you have any recommendation for a written work or want to contribute by donating material related to Halabja’s past, feel free to do so by contacting us.

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